Internet come la TV
Michael Eisner, ex-CEO di Disney, nel corso di un'intervista a Esquire (edizione USA, 04/09, p. 122) parla anche di Internet:
"No, I don't know what the Internet is going to look like in ten years. My guess is, it will be a ubiquitous stream in which you consume all the information and entertainment you want. It will probably be a different route into your television screen. Therefore, the phrase "the Internet" will probably dissolve, like the words "telephone poles". They won't matter. The conversation will go, "Did you see such and such?" You won't really care how you got it.
Consume. Television. E' così che una determinata parte dell'umanità - in questo caso un "Mogul, Web entrepreneur, former talk-show host", secondo la definizione di Esquire - vede Internet. Un po' per deformazione professionale, un po' (tanto) per interesse.
"No, I don't know what the Internet is going to look like in ten years. My guess is, it will be a ubiquitous stream in which you consume all the information and entertainment you want. It will probably be a different route into your television screen. Therefore, the phrase "the Internet" will probably dissolve, like the words "telephone poles". They won't matter. The conversation will go, "Did you see such and such?" You won't really care how you got it.
Consume. Television. E' così che una determinata parte dell'umanità - in questo caso un "Mogul, Web entrepreneur, former talk-show host", secondo la definizione di Esquire - vede Internet. Un po' per deformazione professionale, un po' (tanto) per interesse.